Tuesday, December 30, 2008

cranford, not london

last cranford episode this evening. good series, great actors. dont you think --? x

Monday, December 29, 2008

back from sauda, sorry about the absence.
oh, and i didnt get the gucci bag and tickets to a john mayer concert.but HEY i got uggs, lips (singing game 4 x-box), aaand a haircurler. oh and a gift voucher + a few other things.
i guess i dont have pictures of either the prom or the dance performance (theyre on the other comp). i have a picture of me and my broken arm though. and our lovely christmas tree.

i found out that having a broken arm ... is shit.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

20-21 dec.  --   dance fo life -  steps dance performance at Sandnes Kulturhus 


23 dec -- christmas tree o christmas tree

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yess, so here i sit at eleven o clock on msn. Today has been a busy day. I have been at my jazz- dance lesson (we're having a performance in the weekend). After that i rushed back to school and we had christmas games and entertainment for visitors, where everyone could come. Then, I went back home to write the christmas letter for this year. It turned out pretty awesome actually, we got to write whatever we wanted. "Our brother from another mother, JAY-Z" became a sentence when we were telling about our trip to Hove Festivalen. Maybe I should post it ? that would be fuun :D
Anywayy, I finished my 'RLE hefte' for tomorrow. AAND we're having out christmas school prom tomoroww ! yaaay. suuper excited.
well, im seriously tired. so, good night

Friday, December 12, 2008

christmas list

in case santa drops by x

1. Gucci UNICEF bag , hoho

2. VIP tickets to john mayer concert
John mayer is the bomb !

3. Movies (step up 2) , books, clothes, shoes (uggs), accesories, haircurler, osv.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

partyy time

yes, we are crazy .. luv u guuys
taran, happy birthday (next week) x

Saturday, December 6, 2008


marius genseren is back , norges mest popiss strikkegenser.
yes , its named afer the war hero, actor , and fotomodel Marius Eriksen.

Marius Eriksen

even shit is a fan of marius