Thursday, July 17, 2008


Yesterday I went down to the grocery store, and some big red berries reminded me to:

not forget buy raspberries, strawberries and cherries! They're in season and goood !

beautiful norway

Today I went shopping with my mom. We went to a cool clothes shop in "JÆREN" called Christins. They have lots of fun and cute dresses there, and shoes. Is this the cutest summer dress you've ever seen or what ? (And check out the cute shoes if you can see them).
we also went to the shopping mall , and another cute shop. AND i bought this reaaaly cool jeans, knee length.

agyness deyn


She's the biggest style-icon for this summer 2008, has a nr 1 sense of style and became Model of the year 2007. How much cooler could you get ?


Born in Failsworth, Manchester, 16 Febuary 1983.

She calls herself an english patriot and she loves Queen Elizabeth.

June 23 rd, she let out her single "who" along with her band Five O clock Heroes.

She worked at a fish'n'chips shop until they noticed her as a 18 year old .

Wednesday, July 16, 2008



Summerdrink .

Mix cranberry juice with a little fizzy water and maybe a twist of lemon or lime.

refreshing in the sun !